A little something about me:
 Art has been an enjoyable pastime for me since I was a teenager. I was not encouraged to pursue art education, the reason being that I "couldn't earn a living at it." I have taken classes as an adult at the local community college. It was then that I realized how much I love drawing, painting, polymer clay, book arts, and collage.
The older I got, the more I enjoyed them. The Carilion Foundation has purchased two of my pieces at their employee art show. It wasn't until my older daughter financed my vendor booth at "Steppin' Out" in Blacksburg, VA, on August 3rd & 4th, 2019, that I thought I might be able to go out on my own and sell my artwork. I hope I can live up to her confidence!
Apart from painting with my grandchildren, being in the outdoors is one of my favorite hobbies. Because I do love the outdoors, just about everything I do is landscape. Living in beautiful southwestern Virginia provides endless opportunities for new scenes to paint.
The spirit boxes I make are purely for the fun of it. When people ask what one means, I laugh because they just happen. Some of them have sayings inside the box. It was quite a lark to come up with little bits of wisdom.
My best friend and I do artwork together. A lot of laughing and gentle critiquing happens. We frequently experiment with styles. As you can see, though, my style is resistant to change!
A friend of mine stepped into my studio once and said, "This is what the inside of Sandy's brain looks like." Unfortunately, she was probably accurate.